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18 October - 27 October 2024

Need to get out of the house? Come along and meet some like-minded local mums in a friendly and supportive environment.

Join us at the Woodlupine Family Centre in Forrestfield for a Teddy Bears’ Picnic. Bring along a beloved teddy and/or some snacks to share and join us on our picnic rugs for a picnic to celebrate Children’s Week.

Our catch-ups are informal and people arrive when they can – there’s no such thing as late to ABA and you can leave whenever you wish!

Tea and coffee will be provided. A share plate of morning tea is appreciated but not expected. Children of all ages welcome, as well and partners, friends and family.

Non-members welcome. Pop in for some information and to see what ABA is all about.

Safe indoor & outdoor play areas also available with plenty of toys.

Volunteer breastfeeding counsellors are available at meetings to provide free and confidential one-on-one breastfeeding information and counselling. You can grab a quiet corner with a counsellor for private counselling.